After consultation with Members in 2023, the Executive Board made the decision to transition from an Executive Board (responsible for decision-making and operational management) to a Board of Directors (BOD) focused on governance (responsible for setting organizational strategy, providing oversight, and ensuring compliance with legal and ethical obligations).
Along with this shift to a governance body, the decision has been made to reallocate the seats that make up the new BOD, thereby strengthening the organization’s governance structure and promoting long-term sustainability. As such, a new nomination and election process will commence in late Q1 and be completed in Q2 2024. The new Board of Directors will better represent a balanced perspective of Members and stakeholders, with 4 seats coming from Member Firm representation and 4 seats coming from the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB).

In partnership with the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), we are conducting a joint study on the theme of “Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) in Supply Chains: Findings on practical trends and developments on labor rights in supply chains.”
To make this study meaningful, we are seeking the support of all Members (Auditors and Audit Firms) as well as our supporters (brands/retailers, Collaborative Programs) to contribute information for the publication from all of your experiences and perspectives by completing a short survey of 17 questions.
Thank you in advance for your participation. If possible, we ask for responses to be submitted by 1 March 2024.
To participate in this survey, please click here or scan the QR code below.


Join host Bosco Anthony for a dynamic conversation with APSCA’s new President & CEO, Colleen Vien. In this episode, they discuss Colleen’s vision for APSCA and how this is informed by her experience within the industry, challenges faced by Social Compliance as a profession, and APSCA’s strategy in carving pathways for collaboration and progress.
Listen now on the APSCA website.
I f you have suggestions for us or would like to see certain topics in future issues, please email us at director@theapsca.org
Thanks for reading the latest APSCA Newsletter!

Looking for Auditors? APSCA is here to help!
Let APSCA apply the benefits of our global network to your search for new Auditors.
Just tag us (#APSCA) on your LinkedIn job postings for Social Compliance Auditors or send job postings directly to us and we can share them on social media.
We are here to help, supporting APSCA Member Firms, Supporter Brands & Retailers, and Collaborative Programs that we work with, in their ongoing efforts to attract and retain Social Compliance Auditor talent.
We would welcome your feedback – please forward your suggestions to: director@theapsca.org