Meet the Panellists & Moderators

Introducing Rachelle Jackson -

Key moderator and day 1 keynote speaker

Rachelle Jackson began work as a social auditor in 1997. She has conducted over 2000 social assessments in 80 countries across a range of industries, including agriculture, extractives, food processing, forestry and manufacturing. She is a CSCA and continues to conduct social compliance assessments on a regular basis because she finds the greatest joy when connected to the people working in our supply chains. 

During her career, Rachelle has also conducted dozens of human rights impact assessments (HRIAs) on behalf of investors, multinationals, and multi-lateral institutions seeking to carry out due diligence in their operations in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Her field work has included a rapid assessment of child labor in a cobalt mining community in the Democratic Republic of Congo; baseline studies of child labor, forced labor and land rights in the sugar supply chain in a dozen countries, including Colombia, India, and Thailand; a series of country level HRIAs for a consumer goods company, including their distribution and logistics impacts in Myanmar, Brazil, and the USA, and an HRIA related to a UNDP-GIZ environmental protection project in West Africa. She has worked with UNICEF to map child labor risks in clothing, electronics and agricultural supply chains and to evaluate child protection programming related to Venezuelan migrant children in South America. 

In addition, Rachelle has worked with Fortune 500 companies and industry initiatives on such issues as CSR policy development, code of conduct implementation, monitoring protocols, and human rights, including trafficking and slavery in the supply chain. She is currently a member of the Technical Working Group for the Copper Mark. Most recently, she worked with the Responsible Business Alliance and RMI to develop an audit tool for ASM cobalt operations. Rachelle served on the USDA Consultative Group to Eliminate Child Labor and Forced Labor on Imported Agricultural Products, the output of which included recommendations to the US Secretary of Agriculture on agricultural monitoring programs. 

She also previously served on the United Nations Global Compact Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability. She is trained in human rights monitoring and evaluation techniques and social impact assessments and has completed coursework through the World Bank, UNEPFI, IFC and ILO. She has an MA in CSR, Social Auditing and Accountability from the Universitat de Barcelona. She currently hosts the podcast Business and Human Rights with Rachelle on all major platforms.

Rachelle will be giving the first keynote of the AMM, titled Evolution of Auditing: Unveiling the Future, Embracing Value. Additionally, she will be moderating panels, and giving opening remarks on each day of the event. We are honoured to have Rachelle guide the AMM 2023 and look forward to her valuable insight at our biggest event of the year!

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